World Water Week – 5 unique aspects of our water


Last week, it was World Water Week. A week to pay more attention to the water coming from our water coolers. This is the perfect opportunity to reveal 5 unique aspects of our SipWell water.

1. It’s Belgian

SipWell is a Belgian company. Our sources are located at a depth of 42m below our head office in Londerzeel. We also pump the water up ourselves. We only deliver in Flanders and Wallonia. No branches abroad. You can taste our Belgian quality in every sip.

2. It is green

When we say that our water is green, we do not mean that literally. Our water is blue, but the bottling process behind it is green. Moreover, our SipWell bottles are refilled up to 60 times. All broken bottles and water coolers are recycled into new ones. In this way, no SipWell bottle or cooler goes to waste.

3. It has a low dry residue

But what is a dry residue, you might wonder. That is what is left when your water evaporates at 180°C. You probably think of lime, but it includes more than that. As long as you are below 300 mg/l, you can speak of high-quality water. With 180 mg/l, the SipWell water does not even come close to that maximum.

4. It has experience

SipWell was founded in 1993 and after 26 years of research and innovation, we can safely call ourselves water experts. We perform tests on our water every hour with internal and external labs to guarantee the quality. In recent years we have invested a lot in new technologies to improve our service. Roadnet, our planning program is such an example. Thanks to that innovation, 99% of our water deliveries are on time!

5. It is transported in an ecological way

We recently renewed our entire fleet and that was a good reason to think more ecological. Our new fleet has a much lower emission. In addition, we increased the comfort for our employees so that they bring the water to your water cooler with a sincere smile.

World Water Week – 5 unique aspects of our water

Last week, it was World Water Week. A week to pay more attention to the water coming from our water coolers. This is the perfect opportunity to reveal 5 unique aspects of our SipWell water.