SipWell is from now on CO2-neutral

SipWell is from now on CO2-neutral

It is official! Starting from June 2020, SipWell is CO2 neutral. After our green efforts, we received the CO2 Neutral ® label from the independent climate consultancy CO2logic and accredited company Vinçotte. A nice announcement for our customers on World Environment Day.

Everyone should be obligated to contribute to climate protection,” said our General Manager Peter Hendrickx. In addition to a large green action plan for 2020 including many targeted objectives, we also invested in a few international projects.

The CO2 neutral label guarantees that companies actively calculate, reduce and compensate their local and global climate impact. Within SipWell we have chosen three great projects in Africa:


Eritrea Project

More than 45% of the population in Eritrea has no access to safe, drinkable water and must rely on unreliable sources and lakes that are most likely contaminated. The only solution to make the water somewhat drinkable is to heat it on a wood fire. The result of this is deforestation and the release of harmful gases.


Ghana Cookstoves

In Ghana, cooking, a basic right, has a negative effect on the health of the population, the household budget and the environment. The non-renewable charcoal used in polluting and inefficient stoves contributes to poverty, deforestation and CO2 emissions.


Zambia Agroforestry

Poor agricultural practices, poverty and loss of precious forests and ecosystems threaten Zambia. Farmers often have to rely on illegal poaching to make ends meet.
